Our Story
Boys need Toys
Volker started in the early 80s already with Hanomag AL-28 trucks. As part of the German Hanomag community he gained a lot of knowledge about the technology and helped others renovating their vehicles or performed training sessions for gear box overhaling. He turned one of them into a camper van for himself and travelled Europe and Africa. Later he added several Unimog 1300L, Deutz and Fendt tractors into his portfolio. During the last few decades he focused on his IT career, but now he is back, with dirty hands, leading the workshop with a smile in his face.
Steffen has spent a significant part of his youth in a local backyard garage fixing cars and tractors of local farmers as well as restoring bicycles from the period of 1930-1950. Furthermore, his family had 2 treasures – a war time Willys Jeep and an Eicher ELK II – which he helped to restore over a period of several years. To finance his studies in The Netherlands he sold his beloved Zündapp Kombinette for a one-way ticket to Amsterdam. Following an intense decade of studies and career building he now enjoys doing the real thing again – driving Porsche Diesel and a Turbo GT.

How we work the Magic
Viva el tractor!
Our workshop
Our team consists of passionate and highly experienced craftsmen. Besides of having extensive machinery and restoration experience ourselves, we also work with local specialists across Poland and Germany to source original parts and to find the best person for the specific task. A brand new workshop is currently in construction planning so we can work all-year-round on restoration projects ⛄ 👨🔧