Restoring a vehicle is a tough job which requires expertise, tools, special equipment, and spare parts. We have learned our lessons and have a network of suppliers and experts to deliver premium collector items which please the eye and the soul. Our team has delivered award-winning restorations.
Bin total begeistert vom Schlepper. Vielen vielen Dank für die super gute Arbeit.

A happy customer
Proud owner of R #1 (418)
Vintage Tractors hat meinen Porsche Diesel F219 perfekt restauriert. Ich bin mit der Arbeit sehr zufrieden.

Bernhard Scharf (from Bavaria)
Proud owner of R #3 (219)
Motor Refurbishment
Having tested several specialist partners across Europe we have concluded that the only way to get the job done to our satisfaction is to do it ourselves. We have done a bunch of pilot projects and know how to deliver “better than factory new” engines.
Excellent service, full photo documentation, and continuous updates via email.

A happy customer
Proud owner of M #1 (A133)
Amazing result. I could not find anyone to get the job done in Germany. Then i stumbled over Vintage Tractors.

A happy customer
Proud owner of M #3 (AP18)
Love the job Vintage Tractors have done on my A133. It is running like fresh off the factory - if not better!

A happy customer
Proud owner of M #4 (A133)
Metal Works
Some stuff is always broken while replacements are either hard to get or overly expensive – esp. hoods and mud guards. We offer expert welding services to perfectly restore metal parts.
Unglaublich was die Jungs aus den verbeulten Blech gemacht haben, wirklich besser als neu! Danke an Volker Merx und sein Team für tolle Arbeit!

A happy customer
Proud owner of a W #1 (Junior)