Entity responsible for this website
Vintage Tractors Volker Merx sp. k. with its registered office in Kuchary Kościelne (Kuchary Kościelne 29A, 62-570 Rychwał), entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the Polish National Court Register under KRS number 0001016854, with NIP no.: 6653054010 and REGON: 524340670
registered office address: Kuchary Kościelne 29A, 62-570 Rychwał, Poland
e-mail address: info@vintage-tractors.com
website: vintage-tractors.com
Persons entitled to represent the Company
The person authorized to represent Vintage Tractors Volker Merx sp. k. is the general partner, Mr. Volker Merx
Tax and EU-VAT identification number
Tax Identification Number and VAT no.: PL6653054010
The privacy policy is available at https://vintage-tractors.com/data-privacy-policy/
Cookies Policy
The cookie policy is available at https://vintage-tractors.com/cookie-policy/
Terms and Conditions of Sale and Conditions of Sale vintage-tractors.com
The terms and conditions of the website and the terms and conditions of sale of vintage-tractors.com are available at (STEFFEN TO UPDATE!!)
Out-of-court dispute resolution
If the Seller does not accept the complaint and the Consumer or entrepreneur with consumer rights does not agree with the Seller’s decision, the Seller may apply for mediation. There is also the possibility of out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts concluded between consumers and traders at EU level, using the ODR Platform, which is an access point for consumers and entrepreneurs wishing to settle disputes covered by Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013. The ODR platform at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr is an interactive website that can be accessed electronically and free of charge in all official languages of the European Union.